Work Injury Treatment in Maple Grove, MN
Work injury treatment in Maple Grove, MN. Did you suffer an injury at work? Is your movement health being impacted by chronic pain or other symptoms? Do you need to recover but are hesitant about surgery or prescription drugs? Total Spine is here to help.
In addition to the physical pain a work injury causes, it also impacts your ability to support for your Maple Grove, MN loved ones. Chiropractic care has proven to be an effective work injury treatment for people who are suffering a variety of injuries throughout their musculoskeletal system, not just back pain. At Total Spine Health & Injury Center, we take a holistic view of your wellness to ensure that you not only get back to work, but feel great once you get there. For safe and successful work injury treatment in Maple Grove, MN, call Total Spine today at (763) 568-7869 or request an appointment.
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What Does A Work Injury Treatment Chiropractor In Maple Grove, MN Treat?
Generally, there are four types of work injuries that chiropractors treat:
- Overuse injuries — These occur from carrying out the same motions for weeks, months, or years. These can include anything from carpal tunnel from desk work, axial back pain from being in the same position all day, or a disc injury from more physically intensive employment.
- Overexertion — Jobs that are more physically active, like construction or agriculture, can lead someone to overexert themselves and become injured, especially if they're not properly trained or protected. Overexertion injuries are are responsible for the second most missed days from work, and common examples include disc injuries and injuries to soft tissue.
- Falling injuries — Falls, slips, and trips are the third leading cause of missing days from work. Injuries can include sprains and strains, broken bones, spinal injuries, back pain, and neck pain.
- Falling object injuries — Jobs that entail heavy machinery place workers at higher risk of being hit by a falling object. Examples of injuries include lesions, fractures, soft tissue injuries, and traumatic brain injuries.
Professional chiropractors are capable of treating work injuries not just affecting the back and spine, but throughout the body. If a brain injury causes chronic migraines, chiropractic care can also provide meaningful headache relief.
Work injuries we frequently treat in Maple Grove, MN include:
- Spinal issues
- Carpal tunnel
- Disc injuries
- Pinched nerves
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Whiplash injuries
- Shoulder pain
- Extremity injuries
- Myofascial trigger points
- Headaches
How Do Chiropractors Treat Work Injuries in Maple Grove, MN?
Your work injury treatment from your Maple Grove, MN chiropractor will depend on the nature of your injury, nature of your job and lifestyle, your medical history. We'll discuss the events surrounding your injury, or if you don't know how your injuries happen, work backwards to discover what's causing them. After a discussion, we'll conduct a physical examination, and conduct what X-rays or motion study analysis we find necessary. Then, we'll decide on your course of treatment. Chiropractic care for workplace injuries typically consists of chiropractic adjustments, also referred to as spinal alignments, and massage therapy.
Chiropractic alignments are carried out by over a dozen different chiropractic techniques that involve quick and targeted thrusts to particular areas. Contrary to general belief, chiropractors rarely "push bones back in place." Work injuries interrupt how vertebrae and joints function properly, and these manipulations let out muscle tension. Spinal alignments help employees reach optimal functionality and help your body work as a successful whole, and pain is relieved by relieving the stress a misalignment causes to the nervous system.
Massage therapy can treat an injury by smoothing out soft tissue and breaking down the scar tissue caused by an injury. Used to treat injuries since at least 3,000 BCE, massage therapy has been demonstrated to relieve stress, improve blood flow, in addition to innumerable other benefits.
At Total Spine, we believe in taking a holistic view to our patients' health. We'll provide exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle advice to help your work injury treatment in Maple Grove, MN go as quickly as it can and promote your health in the future.
Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Work Injury Treatment in Maple Grove, MN
Chiropractic care offers countless benefits that are not only effective for work injury treatment, but improve how you feel everyday. With our services in Maple Grove, MN, you'll enjoy:
- Feeling better than you did before — In addition to reducing pain, chiropractic care can help range of motion, improve blood pressure, and give you more energy and even increase brain activity.
- Patient education — We'll teach you about injuries and how you can achieve optimal movement health in order to stay healthy and feel better at work than you did before your injuries. We can help you with posture correction and other ways to stay safe on the job. Correct posture is essential for injury prevention.
- Chiropractic for arms, legs, hands, and feet — While chiropractors are associated with the back and spine, an experienced chiropractor will also know how to treat your extremities. Chiropractors have a thorough understanding of the musculoskeletal system, and the same principles of pain relief and optimal function apply equally to the back and other body parts.
- Chiropractic maintenance — "Maintenance" can also be referred to as "preventive" care. Maintenance comes after the acute issue, and ensures that you preserve the benefits attained in your acute case, and helps protect your body from the physical stress of your job. A lot of our Maple Grove, MN work injury patients schedule maintenance once they understand what chiropractic can do for their health and wellness.
Is Chiropractic Care a Better Work Injury Treatment Plan Than Other Options?
Based on a study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, employees were able to return to work faster when treated by a doctor of chiropractic than when treated by a medical doctor or osteopathic doctor. Chiropractic care is also a great option for avoiding the need for surgery and reducing the risk of prescription drug dependency.
Chiropractic isn't the best treatment plan for all injuries. If you break a bone, for example, a chiropractor can't fuse it back together, and you'll need physical therapy to rebuild and retrain atrophied muscles. But for the majority of work injuries and symptoms, chiropractic care is a preferred option because it focuses on the underlying issue instead of just ameliorating symptoms.
Paying For Work Injury Treatment in Maple Grove, MN
Because of Minnesota Statute 176.135, employers must provide medical benefits to employees after a work injury through workers' compensation, including chiropractic care. They also need to cover travel expenses (gas miles, taxis, public transportation, etc...), costs of obtaining medical records, and other out-of-pocket expenses.
Generally, workers in Minnesota are allowed to choose the healthcare provider they want. To learn why you should choose our team for your work injury treatment in Maple Grove, MN, check out our 5-Star rating on Google, our client testimonials, or read more on how to find the best chiropractors in Minnesota.
Other conditions and injuries we treat in Maple Grove, MN include:
Trust in Total Spine For Your Work Injury Treatment in Maple Grove, MN
We have three main goals: provide quick pain relief, boost your total health, and help our Maple Grove, MN communities discover the countless benefits of chiropractic can have for our health and wellness. Call Total Spine today at (763) 568-7869 or contact us online for your work injury treatment in Maple Grove, MN.