Headache Relief

Maple Plain, MN

Headache Relief Maple Plain, MN

Headache Relief in Maple Plain, MN. How do you usually deal with debilitating headaches and migraines? Immediately reach for the kitchen shelf for Tylenol? Try to take a nap? Try to battle through it and go about your day, knowing it's going to be hard for you to get your chores or work done? More and more Maple Plain residents are finding chiropractic care to be an effective means of achieving lasting headache relief. If headaches are making it difficult for you to feel like your true self, call us today at (763) 568-7869 or schedule an appointment online.

Types of Headache Relief in Maple Plain, MN

There are more than 150 classifications of headaches. They're typically broken down into two larger categories: primary headaches, wherein the headache itself is the pressing health concern, and secondary headaches, which are caused by health issues like a tumor, a concussion, high blood pressure, or dehydration. Maple Plain, MN chiropractors generally provide headache relief for headaches that are not caused by an underlying condition. There are four ordinary types of primary headaches:

Migraine Headaches

Most people find that migraines cause pain on only part of the head. Migraines affect approximately 12% of the population, one-fourth of whom experience a migraine with aura, which are visual disturbances that are indicators that a migraine is close. Aura's usually last between 5 and an hour and can include:

  • Blind spots
  • Seeing Shimmering spots or stars
  • Partial loss of vision
  • Numbness
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Language difficulty

People who suffer from migraines can experience a variety of symptoms, including nausea, sensitivity to light/sound, and dull pain. Pain can be mild to severe, and symptoms last just a few hours to 72 hours. Anyone who's suffered from migraines knows how crippling they can be.

Migraines can cause vertigo, which makes migraines dangerous because it increases chance of injury because it leads to imbalance.

Tension Headaches

These are the most common type of headaches and are often associated with muscle tension in the neck. Also referred to as "hatband" headaches because the pain occurs in a ring around your head where a hat would be, and they affect up to 70% of the global population at least once. They usually begin with a high-pressure on both sides of the head that develops into a dull pain, and can last for a half hour, to hours, or even days. In addition to pressure, other symptoms can be tenderness around your upper body from the shoulders up, pressure behind the eyes, and difficulty falling asleep. Tension headaches can be equally debilitating as migraines, and a migraine will often turn into a tension headache, as well as the other way around.

Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches are acute headaches and often come in half-hour to two-hour "clusters" for around one full day. Some people experience up to eight attacks per day. Common symptoms are:

  • Intense burning pain behind one eye
  • Epiphora
  • An inflamed eyelid
  • A blocked nose
  • Sensitivity to light/sound
  • Restlessness

Hemicrania Continua

Hemicrania continua is a type of headache disorder that causes continual pain that varies in severity but is only felt on one side of the face. You can experience mild pain with episodes of severe pain. Symptoms are similar to those of migraines, but can also cause a runny nose, ptosis, red eyes or crying, and eye soreness.

Other types of headaches are due to specific events, such as an exercose headache after intense physical activity or training, or a caffeine headache from suddenly stopping coffee intake. Other times headaches manifest themselves as symptoms of sinus or allergy issues. While people in Maple Plain, MN most often seek chiropractic care for primary headache relief, seeing a chiropractor can contribute to your complete health that can help dissuade secondary headaches also.

Headache Relief Maple Plain, MN | Migraine and Headache Treatment | Chiropractor Near Maple Plain

What Causes Headaches? | Maple Plain, MN Headache Relief

Approximately 60% of people with migraines inherited the condition from a parent. Lifestyle factors like excessive physical exercise, not sleeping enough, posture, and a poor diet can cause headaches to happen more frequently and be more severe. Outside elements like specific lights, noises, smells, stress, a whiplash injury from an auto wreck, and even sudden changes in the weather can also be common culprits.

In the modern world, most people in Maple Plain, MN live a more sedentary lifestyle than humans used to be. A lot of us have to sit in a chair for long periods for our job, looking at a phone, laying down to watch TV, or otherwise not moving around to much. We're bombarded with screens and other electronic instruments that can cause our eyes and heads to hurt.

But what does that do to our bodies internally to cause a headache? Poor posture, and outside elements negatively affect the joints and muscles from your upper back, to your neck, and through your face, and can result in the bones and joints of our spine being out of place. This can cause tension in the C1 and C2 vertebrae, the highest two joints of our spines. This can cause cervicogenic headaches that affect the nerves that connect your upper body, making headache relief necessary.

Total Spine MN's Approach to Headache Relief in Maple Plain, MN

As headaches are a dysfunction of the nervous system, chiropractic care can provide headache relief by restoring normal function of your nervous system. Over-the-counter medications are what a lot of us Maple Plain, MN turn to for headache relief, but in actuality using too much medication to treat headaches can lead to medication overuse headaches.

Increasingly more people are instead why chiropractic care is a great option for headache relief. One study reported that Almost 90% of chiropractic patients reported headache conditions. Our Maple Plain, MN chiropractic clinic can offer lasting headache relief through the following steps:

  • Your first visit When we first see you, we'll carefully examine the very top of your neck and perform an X-ray to eliminate other potential sources of your headaches and check for potential complications.
  • Chiropractic adjustment A spinal manipulation is the main technique of any chiropractor in Maple Plain, MN. If there are no complications causing chiropractic care to be unsafe for you, our experienced chiropractor will use their hands and small instruments to apply a small, controlled, sudden force to joints in your back or spine to improve your spine's alignment, your body's physical function, and correct disruption in your nervous system caused by spinal misalignment.
  • Message Therapy A message of your neck, upper back, and shoulders will further help provide headache relief and smooth out any damaged soft tissue. Massage therapy also alleviates headaches by releasing dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin to reduce stress.
  • Further Education — Chiropractors know how to find the causes of headaches in the spine and elsewhere. We'll help you with tips on living healthier to use outside of your chiropractic appointments, such as a nutritious diet, better posture, light exercise you can perform at home and work to increase mobility and strengthen certain muscles, and teach you healthy ergonomics.

There's a reason we call ourselves Total Spine Health & Injury Center. We have a variety of practices to get you living your best life.

Other services we offer in Maple Plain, MN include:

Headache Relief Maple Plain, MN | Migraine and Headache Treatment | Chiropractor Near Maple Plain

Maple Plain, MN Headache Relief | Total Spine Health & Injury Center

Sometimes, it's hard to know how how debilitating headaches actually are until receiving the benefit of chiropractic treatment in Maple Plain, MN. We offer comprehensive headache relief so that you do not have to live with constant pain. If you're seeking lasting headache relief in Maple Plain, MN, or are interested in any of our other services, give us a call today at (763) 568-7869 or contact us online.